Record Track

MapOnMap supports track recording. It can save GPX files.

To start the recording you select "Record Track" from the menu in the main activity. You will then get a track recording button. With that you can get length information and possibility to stop and save it.

A recorded track.

Background Location Permission

In order to be able to continue the track recording when not watching the screen it need background location permission. Otherwise the track recording will stop as soon you put the phone in the pocket.

Explanation about Background Location Permission

Resume Parked Recording

If MapOnMap has been shut down by the system during a recording, such as a restart, then the recording will be parked. To resume a parked recording, MapOnMap just needs to be restarted. You will get an alert dialog that notifies this.

Missing Location Updates

Some times when the GPS satellites are blocked by for instance high mountains or buildings, so no new location updates can be made, will this affect the recording. A new track segment is created by default if the absence of location updates has been more than 5 minutes and the distance is more than 100 meters (328 ft). Between the segments there will be a gap. It will be drawn but with a thin line. The distance in the gap will be included in the total track distance.

Example of missing location updates in a track recording.

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